"As I walked throughout the wilderness of this world..." -John Bunyon
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Discovering Shiloh
Despite all the crazy wind the Las Vegas area has been getting over the last two days, it was actually fairly comfortable at the ranch today. Eric and Iceman decided to take an early morning walk after some time in the playground area and it proved to be a great day for them both. At Shiloh, we have two "Iron Horses" that are on each side of the gate to the main section of the ranch. All the newcomer horses seem to be very nervous and uneasy when they are seeing them for the first time, and it usually takes a few times to try and pass before the horse is comfortable with walking by. Well, today Iceman decided he was just going to walk right by them and not even give a second glance. Piece of cake. They walked over to the front entrance gate, by the Isolation area, down to the old "Boarders" section, and spent some time in the grass but Iceman didnt feel like tasting any. Iceman seemed to be enjoying himself as he explored areas of the ranch he has not laid eyes on before. On the way back to his stall, Eric decided to try and get Iceman to walk through the barn, but that will have to wait for another day. Iceman had all fours planted and wasn't going in that dark building with all those sights and sounds....not just yet anyway. :)
In Wildness is the preservation of the World" -Henry David Thoreau
He's a Perlino
Well, we agree with 83% of you who voted Iceman as a Perlino over a Cremello. I think we all learned a new color! Thanks Iceman, we are learning already!
Nice Parelli Halter and rope ,Hmmm I reconize the blue and the green tape on the rope ,Looks like the BadBoys colors .