"As I walked throughout the wilderness of this world..." -John Bunyon
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Daria and Iceman 10/22/09
Eric spent some time with Iceman this morning, but then handed off the lead to Daria. Daria and Iceman did great today, lots of bonding. She decided to lead him around the property for a bit, give him lots of love, then try to bring him thru the "Mare Motel." He was hesitant at first since the structure was full of new sights and sounds, and dark.....but after some coaxing, he finally made a few steps and before he knew it he was out on the other side. It was a big step for Iceman, and this success was the result of trust. Great job!
In Wildness is the preservation of the World" -Henry David Thoreau
He's a Perlino
Well, we agree with 83% of you who voted Iceman as a Perlino over a Cremello. I think we all learned a new color! Thanks Iceman, we are learning already!
Wow that's great! I am still amazed at how fast he is coming around to being handled by so many different people. He must have a lot of potential.