We moved Iceman in the trailer as it would have been a very long walk to get him from where he was to the Hospice. Eric and the guys got him in and back out again...

Now he can begin to interact with other horses.
"As I walked throughout the wilderness of this world..." -John Bunyon
When I walked into Iceman's stall today, he was eating breakfast and looked happy, but something was different. It took me a second, but then I realized that he was no longer wearing his lead rope! He just had the clamp hanging from his halter. I just took a deep breath, shook my head, and just laughed. I looked all around for his lead, but could not find it. Junior was helping me clean out his stall but he could not find his lead either. We finally found what was left of it buried under his hay. I guess he stepped on it just right and it was eventually unraveled.
I thought about this minor setback for a moment, and then decided to try my luck. Once Iceman seemed comfortable with me being in his stall again, I took a new lead rope and slowly walked up to him. Slowly but surely I inched my way up, scratching from his butt to his neck until I was able to connect the new lead to his halter. It felt great once this was done..no setbacks, no problems. We worked for a few hours on contact and Iceman stayed focused, licking his lips and processing what was happening. This time I was prepared and brought along some grooming tools. I was on his left side, so I was able to actual get alot of hair off of him from his neck down to his tail. Maybe next time I can do the same to his right side. His freezemark is looking great. It doesn't seem to be bothering him, and there is definitely no signs of itching or irritation.
Thankfully, Daria walked over and was able to snap a few pictures of us. Iceman was really relaxed, so I asked Daria if she wanted to try. She slowly made her way over, talking to him the whole way, and eventually he had excepted her and she was able to make some contact. Iceman is really starting to catch on with leading, its just a matter of time before we are walking together down to the turn out.
It was such a great day today with Iceman! Getting close...