"As I walked throughout the wilderness of this world..." -John Bunyon
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Sharil and Iceman 5/1/10
The clinic with Joe Weitekamp on Saturday was a huge success! A big thanks to everyone who participated and lended a helping hand, and an even bigger thanks to Joe for all of his hardwork and dedication to the horses. We appreciate all that you do for us! We had a great turnout, near perfect weather, and good food. Sharil and Iceman participated in the clinic as one of the Horse / Handler Teams and they did an awesome job together. Joe shared his knowledge and professional experience with gaining your horses respect from the ground up and building the perfect relationship with your horse. We had auditors along the outside of the arena taking notes, asking questions, and observing while a handful of folks and their horses practiced "hands on" and enjoyed some one on one experience with Joe. These are a few photos that I have received of Sharil and Iceman. They really make a great team and did an awesome job! You will see more picture posts over the next few days from Saturday's adventures. Joe even took the rope from Sharil a few times and used Iceman as a demonstration horse, which proved to be a real treat. More pictures soon! Enjoy!
In Wildness is the preservation of the World" -Henry David Thoreau
He's a Perlino
Well, we agree with 83% of you who voted Iceman as a Perlino over a Cremello. I think we all learned a new color! Thanks Iceman, we are learning already!
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