"As I walked throughout the wilderness of this world..." -John Bunyon
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Photos from Thursday and Friday
We have had some beautiful weather the last few days at the ranch...perfect for working with Iceman. As usual, he is doing great. Hopefully soon we can give him a bath and get rid of that dingy color, haha. We are all very anxious to see that beautiful Perlino again under all of that dirt!
In Wildness is the preservation of the World" -Henry David Thoreau
He's a Perlino
Well, we agree with 83% of you who voted Iceman as a Perlino over a Cremello. I think we all learned a new color! Thanks Iceman, we are learning already!
He is so pretty! He's really coming along! I'd love to get him with our Honey, they look like the same horse!!