"As I walked throughout the wilderness of this world..." -John Bunyon
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Iceman Update 8/25/09
Iceman is doing great. He and Woody are still sharing their area and are enjoying each others friendship. They spend most of their day exploring the turnout and sharing meals together, but sometimes can play a bit rough....unfortunately for Iceman, his color shows the scrapes and scratches alot more. Iceman is coming along pretty good. Our project manager, Eric, has a great team of folks working with Iceman on a fairly regular basis, and they are helping out tremendously with socialization and other basics of the gentling process. Iceman's recent escape seems to have cause a slight setback with his progress, as he is again hesistant to have anyone in his stall and try to make contact with him. But, once you have the end of the rope, he knows he has been caught and work can continue on as normal. Hopefully before too long, we will be able to lead Iceman further across the property and he can explore and experience new territory.
In Wildness is the preservation of the World" -Henry David Thoreau
He's a Perlino
Well, we agree with 83% of you who voted Iceman as a Perlino over a Cremello. I think we all learned a new color! Thanks Iceman, we are learning already!
Very pretty horse! Whitney's Temple of Buddhism