Saturday, June 25, 2011

Farrier Day 6/25/11

Today was "Farrier Day". Thanks for all of your patience, Iceman. And thanks for all of your hard work, Osvaldo.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Howdy 5/13/11

Howdy out there in "Internet Land".

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bath time 4/23/11

Another great day for Iceman. He had breakfast with his new pasture mates, spent some time in the turn out, then enjoyed a good bath. Here are some shots of Eric and Iceman under City Centre today taking some time to cool down. Iceman is is doing awesome when it comes to tolerating his bath time! :)

From stall to pasture 4/22/11

Iceman has graduated from his stall and is now enjoying life in the O.K. Corral pasture. Now he can kick up his heels, make some new friends, and have a bit more freedom when he isn't busy working. We are all very happy for Iceman and he seems to be enjoying the change.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Sharil and Iceman

Sharil and Iceman had a nice play day on Thursday. Explored around the ranch and had fun with some of our obstacles we have set up on the property. Thanks, Sharil, for sending in the pics and for all of your help!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Iceman Update 4/9/11

Here are some photos from today. We had some crazy would be sunny and warm, then cloudy and rainy, and then cold and snowy. Couldn't get much done today with the changing weather but we did manage to get these photos. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do. Iceman is doing great and socializing very well. We hope to post more photos / videos of time in the saddle next week.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Iceman Update 3/25/11

Iceman is doing great. Unfortunately, for the last two weeks, we have had some very cold, windy, and wet weather so we haven't been working as much as we should. Hopefully next week we can get some footage of us back in the saddle and show how well Iceman is doing. Luckily, it was drizzling all day today, so we didnt have much blowing sand. Iceman is looking great though, staying happy and healthy.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ride for the Mustangs

World Record Ride for the Mustangs!

ACTHA's 2011 World Record Ride, Ride for the Mustangs, has been set for June 4th and will benefit our wild ones and the Mustang Heritage Foundation.
Our Las Vegas area host will be Sandy Valley Ranch out in Sandy Valley, NV. Check out ACTHA or Sandy Valley Ranch for more details.
In support of Mustang Heritage Foundation`s mission to increase the number of adoptions of American Mustangs, ACTHA has selected the Mustang Heritage Foundation as its main beneficiary for the 2011 Guinness™ World Record Ride.
Be a Part of History...
and you will be doing an amazing thing to help the great American Mustang. This is a Charity ride and net proceeds from each rider entry fee will go directly to the Mustang Heritage Foundation.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Iceman Update 2/18/11

Iceman is doing awesome. Eric and Sharil spent alot of time with him on Friday and it couldn't have gone any better. He stands perfectly still while tacking (and untacking) and both of them took turns being led around the round pen. Iceman is taking their weight on his back just fine and learning to trust people being up there and out of sight.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

In the saddle 2/12/11

Iceman made some amazing progress today. The weather was perfect, actually in the 70's and barely a breeze. Eric worked with Iceman in the round pen just after breakfast and got him all tacked up and ready to go. Iceman stands perfectly still while being tacked and doesn't even have to be tied. Eric worked some more with him under saddle for a bit, and then Dave came in to assist. With Dave holding a lead line, Eric sat in the saddle on Iceman and they made their way around the pen. Iceman was calm and collected, and never gave any fuss. He is doing so well, and before too long, we hope to blog about some solo riding. We were all so proud of Iceman today. :)